Life Casting is a mould taken from a person’s body, We create a three-dimensional copy of hands and feet’s through the use of highly skilled molding and casting techniques. Life casts capture detail as small as fingerprints, folds, and wrinkles. When cast, this life casting is a unique piece of fine art that can be wall mounted, stood, or even suspended. When lit, it can be displayed in your home, studio, office or workplace.
The Process
The lifecasting process is very quick. Once you are comfortable in the surroundings and happy with your pose, we start with rehearsal positioning. Once that’s done, Our Custom made Specialized Solvent is mixed to a lukewarm creamy goo – like yogurt. Hands or feet are slowly dipped into the container. Once the solution is set, your hand or foot is slowly eased out of the flexible rubbery mold. Most moulds takes about 2 to 30 mins to complete and remove. The process is quick and painless.
The products we use are natural and non-toxic and the primary moulding materials can even be used internally.
The moulding stage is the most important stage, as from this the final life cast will be taken. The next stage is pouring the casting material and demolding. Once the mould is removed, the lifecasting sculpture is cast and the final sculpture is hand finished and left to dry for one to two weeks and then given an artistic colors and finished with your desired lifestyle..
Once a satisfactory casting has been taken, the mould is destroyed. Thus, guarantees the uniqueness of the cast as a one-off limited edition of yourself.